Terms of the Charter

Diversity as a Chance -
The Charta der Vielfalt
for diversity in the world of work

The diversity of modern society, influenced by globalisation and reflected in demographic changes, is affecting economic life in Germany. We have come to realize that we can only be successful economically if we acknowledge and leverage the existing diversity. That includes the diversity of our workforces and the diverse needs of our customers and other business partners. Diverse competencies and talents on the part of staff open new opportunities for innovative and creative solutions.

The implementation of the Charter of Diversity in our organisation aims at creating a work environment free of prejudice. We deeply respect all colleagues irrespective of gender, nationality, ethnic background, religion or worldview, disability, age, and sexual preference and identity. Appreciation and promotion of these diverse potentials produce economic benefits for our organisation.

We foster an atmosphere of acceptance and mutual trust. This will have positive effects on our reputation with our partners and customers in Germany and in other countries in the world.

In the framework of this Charter we are committed to

  1. fostering a corporate culture characterised by mutual respect and appreciation of every single individual. We seek to create conditions such that everyone (superiors and co-workers) respects, practices and acknowledges these values. This will require explicit support from leaders and superiors.
  2. validating and ensuring that our human resource processes are compatible with the diverse competencies, abilities and talents of our employees, as well as with our own performance standards.
  3. recognising the diversity of society inside and outside our organisation, appreciating the intrinsic potential residing in it, and endeavouring to utilise it profitably for our business or organisation.
  4. ensuring that the implementation of the Charter will be a subject of internal and external communication.
  5. publicizing on an annual basis our own activities and progress in promoting diversity.
  6. and keeping our own employees and colleagues informed about diversity and actively involved in implementing the Charter.

We are definitely convinced that practicing and appreciating diversity will have a positive impact on German society. We welcome and support this business initiative!


Tysklands Virksomhedscharter for Mangfoldighed (Danish)

Hed bedrijfsdiversiteitshandvest voor Duitsland (Dutch)

The Corporate Charter of Diversity for Germany (English)

Ühine Mitmekesisuse Harta Saksamaa jaoks (Estonian)

Monimuotoisuuden peruskirja saksalaisyrityksille (Finnish)

La Charte de la Diversité dans l’Entreprise en Allemagne (French)

Καταστατικός Χάρτης της διαφορετικότητας (Greek)

La Carta Aziendale della Diversità in Germania (Italian)

Хартия разнообразия (Russian)

Mångfaldskontraktet på företag i Tyskland (Swedish)

La Carta Corporativa de la Diversidad para Alemania (Spanish)

Almanya'daki iş yerlerinin Çeşitlilik Şartı (Turkish)