This website is published by the nonprofit association Charta der Vielfalt e. V.
Responsible according to the German media law: Aletta Gräfin von Hardenberg
Charta der Vielfalt e. V.
Albrechtstraße 22
10117 Berlin
Telefon: 030 288 773 99 - 0
Fax: 030 288 773 99 99
This association is registered at the Charlottenburg local court (register number: VR 307 49 B). It is accredited officially as nonprofit organization because of their promotion of education according the notice of exemption, 12.02.2018 by tax office Berlin Körperschaften I, tax numer 27/662/56207.
The assiciation is not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from his pages - unless it has full knowledge of illegal contents and would be able to prevent the visitors of its site from viewing those pages. If any damage occurs by the use of information presented there, only the author of the respective pages might be liable, not the one who has linked to these pages.