Associations, societies, foundations

Where you want to be 

You would like to create diversity in your association, society or foundation, or make use of it to position yourselves? Diversity not only increases the effectiveness of work and dedicated service. When your organisation succeeds in reproducing societal diversity in its own ranks, it improves your chances of fulfilling your social purpose and achieving your objectives. You’ll succeed, for instance, in developing suitable offers to be fit for the future.

Here’s how you go about it

Regardless of where you are active: diversity management offers you many starting points. Internally, organisations ensure diversity in all their working areas and processes. To the outside world, they demonstrate openness. That can help organisations – such as, for instance, traditional or sport clubs – open up to new groups and recruit members.

Signing the Charta der Vielfalt is frequently a first step; it gets implementing diversity up and rolling. Associations, societies and foundations are in demand towards the outside world in a mediating role and can act as disseminators or opinion makers: you can get your members enthusiastic about diversity and introduce them to the advantages and possibilities of successful implementation. 

Concrete examples for implementation include programmes on recruiting young talent that focus on the topics of migration, intercultural understanding or, alternatively, age and generational diversity. You can also take part in public festivals or events to demonstrate openness and appreciation of diversity.

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