On the following pages, we offer you a profound compilation of the most basic information regarding the topic (anti-)racism. Start your personal anti-racist awareness journey now - by watching our explanatory videos, reading our articles or following further links to podcasts or books.
You would like to participate in the discussion about racism - but you are missing important basics and terms? Have a look at our Basics Wiki and you will find yourself better prepared during your next conversation.
Why should companies stand up for diversity and against racism? We find explanations by having a closer look at the study by EY from 2020. Many companies are already actively fighting racism. Nevertheless, a lot of education and convincing is still needed.
Everyday racism has many faces and can happen anywhere - on the bus, in a café, while shopping or looking for a flat. We explain why it is so difficult to recognise racicst behaviour and it yet affects the daily lives of so many people.
If you want to delve even deeper into the topic, this issue of "Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte" will serve you well. How can racism in Germany be conceptualised?