Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung

Unterzeichner_in seit 02/2021

„We understand the multidimensional diversity of our staff as the basis for successful cooperation in the areas of institute life as well as between the research, craft, service and administration departments. Our diversity is an enrichment and a deliberate challenge.“

Praktisch gut!

Our aim is to consider every single person in their diversity and difference in all decisions and to prevent any discrimination. We attach a high value on encounters with tolerance, appreciation and recognition. This is the responsibility of the entire workforce, especially persons with supervisory and management responsibilities. Together we are committed to living diversity on campus and in society.


Unterzeichner_in seit:02/2021
Organisationsgröße:mittel: 51-1000 Beschäftigte
Segment/Tätigkeitsfeld:Unternehmen: Forschung und Entwicklung


Martina Burggräf
Sekretärin der Verwaltungsdirektion
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 1
45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr
+49 (0)208/ 306 2011