Unterzeichner_in seit 03/2007

„To METRO, Inclusion & Diversity is more than just “social” or a “sustainability-related topic”. It is part and parcel of the way we consider and do our business. In an ever competitively-growing environment. Inclusion & Diversity is about embracing the diversity of people, no matter who they are to work well together and drive the company on the way to an enhanced performance and success. By doing this, we want to make Inclusion & Diversity part of our business and working culture, be it internally or towards our customers. We want METRO to become an inclusive space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity, debate our differences, without fracturing our communities.“


Diversity-Tag Teilnahme

Best Practice

Wir stellen in der Best Practice Datenbank unsere Diversity Maßnahme(n) vor.

  • Women in Trade Mehr
  • METRO Pride - Mitarbeitenden-Netzwerk Mehr


Unterzeichner_in seit:03/2007
Organisationsgröße:groß: mehr als 1000 Beschäftigte
Segment/Tätigkeitsfeld:Unternehmen: Handel und Reparatur


Laura Halfas
Head of Global Diversity & Inclusion
Schlüterstr. 1
40235 Düsseldorf