„For us at MHP, diversity is a matter of course. Our purpose “Enabling you to shape a better tomorrow” thrives on diversity – diversity of our employees’ experiences, diversity of possibilities and perspectives, diversity of customers and partners to be supported.“
Christiane Sagkob (Partner and Member of the Board of Management) and Dr. Ralf Hofmann (CEO, Shareholder and Founder of MHP)
Wir beteiligen uns am Deutschen Diversity-Tag und machen unser Engagement für Diversity Management öffentlich sichtbar.
Living Diversity: We network. We want to support, develop and inspire each other. Together. As a team. Every day. At eye level. In accordance with the mission statement "Unbox the Balance", we achieve long-term and sustainable diversity within MHP with a diverse mindset. True to the motto "We rise by lifting each other" we support each other in all roles and at all levels. We encourage and challenge all employees and deploy them according to their competencies and life situations.
In July all MHP managers participated in a diversity training – in the form of web-based-training. In this training, we show some interesting insights into what the term diversity entails, how it positively shapes our cooperation and help us emerge as a strong and successful team. Due to the positive feedback we have designed a training for all employees to bring diversity even more into the organization.
Unterzeichner_in seit: | 09/2020 |
Bundesland: | Baden-Württemberg |
Organisationsgröße: | groß: mehr als 1000 Beschäftigte |
Segment/Tätigkeitsfeld: | Unternehmen: Rechts-, Steuer-, Unternehmensberatung, Werbung, Marktforschung |