„Our company is locally based in Jena and mentally at home in the world. Those who work for us are not judged on the basis of gender, age or ethnic origin. What we base our affiliation on is expertise and whether they enjoy new technologies and trends in the mobile world. That's how simple our select“
Wir beteiligen uns am Deutschen Diversity-Tag und machen unser Engagement für Diversity Management öffentlich sichtbar.
For us, language is a first and decisive point for dismantling barriers. In our company it is not necessary to speak German. We do not take it for granted, instead we have established English as an office language.
Our Team creates the first TDSoftware International CookBook. Interested in our Book? Please contact me. More Information: https://www.charta-der-vielfalt.de/aktivitaeten/deutscher-diversity-tag/aktionen-2020/zeige/tdsoftware-1/aktion/
Unterzeichner_in seit: | 03/2019 |
Bundesland: | Thüringen |
Organisationsgröße: | klein: 1-50 Beschäftigte |
Segment/Tätigkeitsfeld: | Unternehmen: Forschung und Entwicklung |